Canvas of Dreams Wiki

On Essence-Gathering Temper

Due to uncertainty about when the Scroll of Errata will be updated next, this forms a particular exception to the policy of not doing errata on Ink Monkeys. As you can see, Essence-Gathering Temper is a whole new Charm. EGT is one of the most important Charms I ever designed. I came up with the concept for it in the wake of Dreams of the First Age, after designing the Ruin-Abasing Shrug + Rising Sun Renewal + Inner Fire Unleashed build. I knew that Essence-Gathering Temper would need a nerf, and early suggestions from trusted sources strongly urged me to limit EGT to a single mote kickback in the form of a Permanent Charm. Knowing the history of EGT and its importance to players, such a huge regression just did not feel right to me, so I began to look for alternate ways to make Essence-Gathering Temper shine. I wanted to avoid the defensive mote slog, encourage offense, and increase the use of Supplemental attack Charms, and these imperatives all seemed to fall right in line with the thematic of getting really pissed off when someone hits you. As a particular bonus, I also decided that a Solar should feel this empowering rage when he sees someone he cares for come under attack. Thus the mechanic of temporary offensive motes was born. From it sprang the Overdrive Keyword and a number of great new Charms.” —Ø
